
Don’t Miss a Good Thing (Especially Today) 🤔

Happy Friday! OMG, it’s Friday the 13th, y’all—the perfect day to announce that Dot’s Soulmate Recipe has (finally) dropped into my Subscriber’s Only Bonus Content! Whoot-whoot! She’d love her story releasing on a day known for bad luck and slasher films–that’s totally Dot. Anyway, it’s a short story, easily readable in one sitting, that peeks inside One Thing Better’s quirkiest character and gives teasers about what’s to come in Every Good Thing. Hope you enjoy! ☺️ 

So, subscribe if you need to, and don’t miss Dot’s Soulmate Recipe! Oh, in case you missed it… here’s Every Good Thing’s gorgeous cover!

Every Good Thing Cover Reveal

☔️ I always knew I wanted an umbrella on the cover. It’s inspired by a scene in One Thing Better where Lena says, “Losing Dad, then Mom—my life umbrella has diminished until it’s nearly gone altogether. And it’s always raining. Always.” This novel is about holding on tightly to the umbrella in a marriage’s inevitable storms. 

Here are five other quick facts about Every Good Thing:

👩🏻‍💻 It’s the first time I’ve ever written a story that isn’t about finding love or falling in love.

🎬 Wilmington’s robust film industry inspired the premise. 

🦸🏻‍♀️ I attended my first Comic Con to research one of my favorite scenes.

🦻🏻 Writing about Ben’s struggles from his POV challenged my creative muscles. Oh, yes—it’s a dual POV. 

🥹 Joe, my husband and first reader, cried when he read the draft. Cried, ya’ll. (Don’t tell him I told you that.)

If YOU want to join my ARC team for Every Good Thing, email me back to make sure you’re on the list. I can’t wait to bring you Every Good Thing! 

Other Good Things to make you smile this week:

🐈‍⬛ Check out this story of a stealthy black cat—a real cat-burglar! Aw, he reminds me of Jimothy.

🐻 And this poor bear trying to get his snooze on in a hammock. Animals are hilarious.

🩻 Fiction inspires real life in this story about a Grey’s Anatomy fan becoming a neurosurgeon because of the show! And now he’s a consultant for them! Ah, that’s like me getting to consult for Murder, She Wrote, Poirot, or… do they make shows about writers? 

📚 Oh, and my books got to go to the beach last week. That’s not weird.

The beach is always a good idea. – One Thing Better

Brought to you via my excessive book hauling this summer, here are some other book recs:

😎 It’s not too late for summer reading. Just For The Summer by Abby Jimenez is almost as good as Yours Truly (almost) and definitely a must-read if you like her style and meaningful romances. I really, really do. Yours Truly, though, was my first Abby Jimenez book, and since it has a strong anxiety rep, it’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Joe and I still jokingly use the phrase, “In this economy” when we want to get out of a situation—if you read the book, you know what I mean. Highly recommend both! 

🥹 If you’re looking for something a little deeper/sadder, The Light We Lost by Jill Santopolo is a good choice and fitting for now because the story begins on 9/11. I’ve been drawn to this book for a long time because I love the cover. Anyway, I’m 75% done, so I can’t give you my final verdict yet (I still feel like something mind-blowing is about to happen), but it’s really made me think, and it’s definitely not a typical romance.  

It’s a war between book clubs… which will I like better? Good Morning America’s pick or Reese’s? Hmm. 🤨

🎬 Joe and I watched the One True Loves film adaptation on Hulu this week. I loved the book by Taylor Jenkins Reid—ah, so emotional. As always (or at least 99% of the time), the book is waaaayyyyy better than the movie. The movie didn’t hit those raw emotional notes that the book banged on incessantly. Does that sound weird? Anyway, it’s not a bad movie, though, if you’re looking for a romance to watch and snuggle with, and it was filmed in Wilmington! 

📚 Finally, if you’re wondering why I say 99% of the time the book is better than the movie and not 100%, it’s because of one strong exception. Where the Heart Is, starring Natalie Portman and Ashley Judd, is one of my all-time favorite movies. It’s based on a book by Billie Letts of the same name, and the movie not only stayed true to the story, but really brought it to life. Highly recommend both! 

What movie have you enjoyed the same or more than the book? Let me know! Also, let me know if you want to be an ARC reader for Every Good Thing and what you think about Dot’s Soulmate Recipe! Let’s chat, bookish friends!

Whew, I think that’s all for now! No more caffeine… Have a happy weekend!

Until Next Time,


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