
📣 Bonus Reads & More! 🫶🏻

While it froze outside and some of you lucky ducks played in the snow (not me, sadly), I was screen-locked with edits and bonus reads. That’s what happens when writers love their characters–we can’t stop writing them! So, this week, I dropped some… BONUS READS like these are short enough to enjoy while waiting for […]

Say Hello to My Little Preorder & Other Christmas Surprises

Yes No Maybe Preorder

Happy after-Christmas and pre-New Year’s! I hope this newsletter finds you warm, cozy, and enjoying MANY great reads over Winter Break. More on that soon, but first… say hello to my little preorder! I added the flowers because, you know, pretty. More good stuff is coming soon (cover, official release date, who’s starring in the […]

Mega Writing Goals & This Happened…

Merry Christmas, bookish friends! It’s time to reflect and plan ahead as we near the year’s end. Are you goal-setting for 2024 yet? My mega writing goals required this… A MEGA planner! I have never had a planner this ginormous, not even as an educator. This thing feels like a cinderblock only pretty, with stickers. […]

Free Books & A Thanksgiving Saved

reading free books

Happy December! We’ve officially entered the December spin cycle that ends with Christmas. Hold on tight, people. If you’re already caught in holiday stress, take a page from my book (ha, writer pun) and relax with some free books. But more on free books in a minute…   I missed my newsletter last week; maybe you […]

Princess or Villain?

villain me

Creating a Pixar Disney Princess avatar using AI is a thing now. It’s all over Instagram. Be sure to type in your description with “in the Disney Pixar style,” if you want to try it. I admit—Disney princesses are adorable, so, of course, I want to see myself as one. But most days, I wonder—do […]