
It’s November? And Other Sneaky Surprises

Isn’t November sneaky? It hides behind the corner of Halloween and then jumps out and screams, “Thanksgiving is only three weeks away!” It ushers in other sneaky surprises, too. November 1st was National Author’s Day (yes, it’s a real thing) and the start of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). And tomorrow, we fall back to Daylight Savings Time. Geeze, November. Speaking […]

New Books 2023 & Why Halloween Will Never Be The Same

Happy Friday! This week, we celebrate new books 2023 (mine included) and Halloween, just over a weekend away. Don’t you hate it when Halloween falls on a weekday?  Can you believe this great idea–gas can pumpkins (ha! pumpkin pun)! But back to new books 2023. One Thing Better launched on Tuesday, and Amazon reviews are coming in […]

Publication Day! (& Guess What?)

Pub Day!

Happy Publication Day to my contemporary romance One Thing Better! This anxious, feel-good love story hit the virtual shelves at midnight with nearly 70 reviews on Goodreads, a Starred Kirkus Review, and a Must Read Trophy from Reedsy Discovery. And guess what? Publication Day is a party (and not a panic-party)! Me? Not panic? Very unlike […]

New Release Countdown (to Panic?)

One Thing Better New Release

It’s Friday, witches! And the new release of my contemporary romance novel, One Thing Better, is only FIVE DAYS away! I’m not panicking. Are you panicking? I might be panicking. But that’s okay. We’re prepared, at least. Tuesday’s new release is a milestone moment that’s taken months of planning. From beta readers to Instagram reviewers to […]

Red Pen Edits & Other Immense Satisfactions

red pen edits

Happy Friday & I hope your week has been satisfactory. Mine has! It’s been a red pen week of edits, edits, edits. I’ve traded my desktop computer for my iPad to tear apart my manuscript so I can rebuild it better. Few things satisfy me more than taking my Apple pen in hand to scribble […]