
Share the (Book) Love: On Book Reviews

Nothing shows an author more love than an honest book review. If given in the right spirit, reviews offer writers encouragement and advice. And writers need love, people.

Cover Design Reveal

Cover Design

Cover design is a crucial, make-or-break aspect to self-publishing. And it’s a cool moment—seeing your book come to life visually for the first time.

Book Cover Countdown

Book Cover Countdown

For writers, nothing evokes a childlike Christmas-morning-level excitement like seeing the first sample book cover designs created for our stories… and getting it right is absolutely imperative to the book’s success. 

Writing Out of a Story Tunnel

writing through the story tunnel, obsessing

Writing a novel means getting lost in a story tunnel, but obsessing can’t overtake real productivity. Emerging from the other side with a finished book must take priority.

5 Clues to Solving a Whodunit


Most mystery fans believe the best thing about a good whodunit is solving the case alongside their favorite fictional detective. But there’s something even better–solving it first!