
🤩 Coming Soon Teasers & Things to Try 🤔

📣 *Cue Announcer’s Voice* In a world where words transform into stories, the author rises from her keyboard to fulfill her destiny—bringing her books to her beloved readers… and another is closer than ever before. *End announcer’s voice* Check out what’s coming soon, things to try (or not), and ways to win free stuff. 🆓

☔️ Every Good Thing moved from my desktop to Joe’s phone this week with a whoosh (email) and a phew(from me). He’s halfway through his first read of my (messy) rough draft, but he’s keeping his thoughts under wraps for now (It’s killing me!). There will be changes and edits, of course, but having a complete manuscript is a whoot-whoot accomplishment. Betas & Arcs will get it next—if you want to be on my street team, shoot me an email and get on the list. 

coming soon

📖 Also, coming soon… Every Good Thing’s COVER REVEAL! Next time you hear from me, you’ll see what the artists have created for One Thing Better’s sequel. Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait! 

🎆 ICYMI, One Thing Better’s enjoying time on Kindle Unlimited right now, where readers devour books and authors get paid one page at a time. Subscribers to jessicasherry.com can also access One Thing Better for free. 

P.S. The website got a refresh… What do you think?

👙 Plans to pack your bikini for some well-deserved beach time? If you want to pack your reading device with books for your vacation, check out these awesome titles from Indie authors like me. 

🥾 Coming Soon to subscriber BONUS CONTENT… “A Little Better” A Dot Story. I’ve teased this a few times, but I keep tinkering with it (I’m a little obsessed). Anyway, it’s a fun snapshot into one of readers’ favorite characters from One Thing Better—remember Lena’s gruff neighbor turned reluctant bestie? I still laugh over that Walmart scene. Her short story arrives soon, and just in time to get you ready for Every Good Thing!

🤔 Wonder what this writer does when she’s waiting on her first reader to finish her WIP to keep her from repeatedly asking him, “What do you think so far?” like a kid in the backseat on a road trip asking, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” Eesh. She starts working on the next one, of course. It’s time to get dirty with details and outline my heart out. I’m planning the next three books—standalone romances that connect in the coolest way. Here’s an emoji description of the first one so far. 👩🏻‍🦰 🛒 🔪 🤦🏻‍♂️⚕️❤️‍🩹 🐾

I know. Good luck deciphering much of that. But it’s still in that delicate birthing stage. I don’t know what the baby looks like yet. 🐣 Even so, I’m so excited. More details are coming soon.

🤑 End of July Sale at GooglePlay! Get the Delilah Duffy Box Set ($7.99) and Yes No Maybe ($2.99). 

This leads me to my Questions of the Newsletter

How do you like to read (ebook, print, audio, read aloud by a pool boy, other)? Where do you source your books (Amazon, B&N, GooglePlay, AppleBooks, Kobo, thrift stores, little book houses, or do gnomes bring them?   

Comment below to share your answers! 

Here’s more good news and things to try (or not).

🦻🏻 A new cochlear implant is in the works that’s completely internal! No more awkward earpieces or exterior parts! That’s amazing news to so many people! Especially sweet babies (and their parents) who struggle to leave their devices alone. Stories like this always make me think of Ben Wright from One Thing Better and those whose military service resulted in hearing impairments. Way to go, science!  

🫣 Here’s a funny/creepy story… a gnome-owner (ha!) in Canada woke up to find his precious yard decorations missing! Soon later, a cryptic woman returns with his collection—freshly painted and restored to their former gnome-glory. The man was delighted that his old friends got a makeover by the mysterious do-gooders and considered it a kind act. So, if you’re looking for a way to pay it forward, freshen up your neighbor’s garden décor… but it is stealing. Hmm. 

😌 Looking for relaxation? Forget sharks. They’re sooo last summer. Try one of my favorite documentaries EVER. Secrets of the Whales, narrated by Sigourney Weaver. Whales are so freakin’ smart. Secrets of the Octopus is also amazing. Get your sealife on!

🎧 Did you know that if you have Spotify Premium for music like our family, you can also get audiobooks with your subscription? I don’t make ANY money for telling you that, but it was a shocker for me, and we’re currently using it to listen to Abby Jimenez’s Yours Truly (which is excellent so far). I LOVE discovering freebies in things I already subscribe to—like Amazon Prime. Prime’s Lending Library is full of great magazines and books to read. That’s how I read Meghan Quinn’s The Reunion (also very good). Subscriptions with benefits.

🏋🏾‍♀️ If you follow my shenanigans, you probably remember I joined Planet Fitness recently. (Again, I make NO MONEY off telling you that). Things are going great! I don’t hate it like I thought I might! Plus, the Planet Fitness app tells me in advance how busy it is with its crowd meter, which REALLY helps with my gym anxiety. I’ve learned that showing up is half the battle. 

“A great relationship is not only finding the person you have fun with, but also finding the person you want to be bored with. The beauty of long-term relationships is often hidden in boring, ordinary moments.” – James Clear (author, Atomic Habits)

Isn’t that the truth? Have fun & be bored with me!! That should be in the vows. 💖

Now, back to down and dirty outlining!

Bookishly Yours,


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