Story Ideas with a Twist: A Meet Strange

So, Meet Cute is a thing. It’s a random encounter with a cute person with romantic potential. It’s an intro scene, a chance happening, a meeting with sparks. For story ideas with a twist, why not turn a Meet Cute into a Meet Strange?

In The Office, Kelly performs a Meet Cute when she “accidentally” bumps into the new boss, Deangelo Vickers, and spills her papers everywhere as a conversational ice breaker. Though staged by Kelly for Meet Cute purposes, it’s a good example.

Typical of The Office, her Meet Cute is an awkward fail, taking a comedic jab at the rom-com construct.

If you want some Meet Cute writing prompts, try my Meet Cutes for Christmas.

I walk in the park most weekdays, usually around the same time. Often, I see the same people I’ve seen there before–people with a routine like mine. In particular, there’s a kind, older man on his bike. I say kind because he always says hello as he approaches behind me–something I appreciate because I’m often startled by bikes that suddenly whip by me without warning. What can I say? I’m a jumpy, jumping bean.


Once, he stopped in front of me, and said, “I must see you here at least once a week.”

“At least,” I said. “I figured you must live at the park. You’re always here.”

“I come out as soon as the temps hit seventy. I’m John.”

“I’m Jessica. It’s nice to meet you, John.”

Ever since then, he says, “Hello, Jessica,” when he passes, and I say, “Hello, John.”

No, it wasn’t a Meet Cute. He’s my Dad’s age. But, it made my day–maybe it’s a Meet Sweet. Anyway, it got me thinking about chance encounters. Meet Cutes. Meet Sweets. What about story ideas with a twist? A Meet Strange?

It’s the mystery writer in me, surely, but meeting a stranger in the park (or anywhere) could easily go wrong. Or start well and become sinister slowly. A Hallmark Meet Cute could easily morph into a Lifetime thriller when a Meet Cute is actually Meet-Your-Cute-New-Stalker.

Here are some other Meet-Strange writing prompts:

  • A Meet Cute turns out to be a set-up arranged by a meddling parent desperate to see her daughter happy and sure she’s selected the perfect guy for her. Or so she believes…
  • An obsessive detective on the hunt for a missing woman is sure he’s found her, hiding in another state under a new identity. But he needs proof, needs to get close to her. A chance meeting and a little charm should be all he needs…
  • A flat tire on the way to close a property deal ruins her tight schedule, but when she meets the man who stops to help, she thinks there’s an upside. He’s cute. Really cute. But when they realize it’s his family’s land she’s closing on, tensions arise. If he can keep her from signing the contract, then he still has a chance…
  • A hardcore romantic with Disney Princess dreams takes her fantasy world to the next level. Every encounter is a Meet Cute for her, and when true love doesn’t happen, she reacts… badly.
  • A visit to a neighborhood bookstore should be a treat for city newcomer Rosie, but the stoic, watchful man behind the counter isn’t exactly friendly. The only customer, his eyes follow her, burning the back of her neck. She hasn’t felt eerie vibes like this since… well, last time. She buys something quickly to get out of there without appearing rude. But the creepy bookstore clerk wants her address ‘for the files’, and she hates herself for giving it to him.
  • During a trip to a hardware store, Trish notices the same man down several aisles. They make eye contact, and he flashes a timid smile. He’s cute, nicely dressed, no ring. It’s so hard to meet people at her age. The third time, Trish thinks he may be following her, and she hopes he’ll say hello. He rolls his cart closer, giving her a once-over. She glances at his cart–chains, duct tape, plastic tarps. That’s odd, she thinks. “Excuse me, miss. About how much do you weigh?”
  • A frequent library visitor, John thought it was sweet how the librarian, Jane, took an interest in him and what he was reading. She started putting books aside that she thought he’d like–a treat since he always had a hard time picking. But when her recommendations took a weird turn and he started spotting her in public places outside of the library, he couldn’t help but wonder if he was being stalked. No, that’s ridiculous. Men don’t get stalked, do they?
  • Tonya had a deadline to meet, so she didn’t hover around the dishwasher repairmen while he worked. He seemed normal enough, cute even. So, she retreated to the deck to finish her article. She was surprised when an hour went by without a peep from inside. The kitchen was littered with tools, the dishwasher half-pulled out from the counter. But the repairman wasn’t where he should’ve been…

Shorter ideas of Meet-Stranges that aren’t “romantic”…

  • A sketchy guy follows your hero around Walmart because she “reminds him of his mom”?
  • An elite book club welcomes a new member, who’s thrilled to join the group until…
  • Your hero meets the cute elderly lady who’s hired her to housesit her ancient Victorian mansion. “Beware the Gremlins,” she warns, crypticly.

For story ideas with a twist, it’s fun changing a popular formula with your own creative flare. Share your Meet-Stranges below… but remember, I’m a jumpy, jumping bean, so don’t go too dark. For more writing prompts, meet my strange blog.

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