When writing characters, let unique interests and passions reveal insights. A character’s hobby tells so much about them.
Writing characters with hobbies makes them more intriguing and realistic. Everyone has something they enjoy, right? Something that sparks joy? Side passions make them more memorable and provide a plotting bonus, pushing your character into action. What does she do when she’s not working, falling in love, saving the world, or solving a murder? And what messes might she get into in pursuit of her hobby? There must be something she longs to do when she’s at work or school, something that centers her to think, like Sherlock Holmes playing the violin or Miss Marple and her knitting. Or me… with my embarrassing attempts at gardening.

A character’s interests can reveal much about them. A fly fisherman, for example, is probably patient and meticulous and longs for the peaceful solitude of the outdoors. On the other hand, someone drawn to dancing, theater, or performing is high-energy and enjoys bright lights and people. Writing characters with hobbies should give readers many insights into who they are.
“I collect spores, mold, and fungus.” ~ Egon, Ghostbusters
Hobbies provide many health benefits, like reduced stress and greater mindfulness. Consider what hobbies offer–a creative space, focus, self-expression, physicality, ownership, satisfaction, and escape. What does your character need from downtime? And what does her hobby reveal about her?
Here’s a blog about Writing Ideas on Horses and the characters who ride and care for them.

So, when writing characters, perhaps throw in a hobby like these:
- Cycling around the city… knowing all its nooks and crannies could come in handy for a hero or a villain, or Uber driver, or a delivery person.
- Extreme couponing… to cheaply stockpile for the next pandemic, perhaps. This might suggest an anxious personality.
- Lucrative pursuits… investing, coin collecting, antique hunting, “picking” in hopes of discovering that long-lost Picasso in grandma’s attic.
- Binge-watching old movies… because she’s stuck in the past or depressed about her future.
- Stamp collecting, coin collecting, bone collecting, brain collecting. *smirk* Anything can be collected. What’s the weirdest thing your character could collect?
- Gaming… Perhaps she has a secret Twitch life or an entire social network through a screen. Could be fun for your character if these worlds clash.
- Birding, Bugging, or Reptiling… Yeah, I just made up a word. Shakespeare said writers could do that.
- The dark arts… photography, YouTube videos, writing. Perhaps the world she creates through her art doesn’t jive with her reality, creating conflict, tension, and drama. I’ve often wanted to live in my character’s world, but then, I remember all the terrible things I do to them and the danger I put them in and reconsider.
- Mixology… designing the perfect smoothie, cocktail, beer, perfume, aphrodisiac, street drug, or poison. It’d be a cinch to turn this hobby into a character’s dream, business, book, or weapon.
- Journaling or blogging… while watching the neighbors through binoculars and keeping track of their lives, keeping a diary, a log of work offenses.
- Knitting, painting, candle-stick-making… Hobby Lobby employees know this character by name. Perhaps she tries every hobby because she can’t find the one thing she does really well. This could mirror her real life as she struggles to fit in.
- Walking, hiking, exploring… especially in places she shouldn’t. She could be a loner, content with quiet, open spaces. Or someone who’s really searching for a place to hide. What about a character who loves abandoned places?
Here are more hobbies to consider for your characters. Or yourself.
Determining what your character’s into will help readers get in to the character. *smirk*
What ideas do you have for hobbies? Share yours below!
For more writing prompts and other ideas, check out my blog! It can be your new hobby… blog friend.