One of the easiest ways to feel happy is to get outside and garden (even if you’re not good at it yet). Sunshine, dirt, and accomplishing something new boosts positivity.
I love our backyard garden. Though not an expert, I enjoy it, especially the way my mood upticks when stepping foot outside to this…

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero.
We rescued these petunias from a clearance rack last fall. They survived the winter prettier than ever. And they provide a front-yard view for our newest tenants.

This mamma bird sits on three newborns, and she no longer flies off when she sees us coming. We’re careful not to upset her nest, and she graciously tolerates our peeking. Can’t blame her for picking a great spot–third shelf in a purple vertical garden operated by two animal lovers!
My daughter Abby and I have embarked on gardening adventures before and even tried composting. But our success (and motivation) has been… mixed.
Like most things, the more you put into it, the more you get out.
And Abby and I have upped our gardening game. We have four raised beds, some in-ground plants, and a container garden. We’re even trying sacks of potatoes. We’re the proud parents of about 50 plant babies, not including flowers.
Going all in has instigated our gardening excitement. Every day, there’s a little more progress, and it’s motivating to see the buds, leaves, and veggie babies growing. And to feel happy, all I need to do is step outside and witness the progress of our good work. Like with this budding pepper plant…

“In search of my mother’s garden, I found my own.” – Alice Walker
Mom used to keep a ginormous garden, rows and rows enough to feed a village. I never understood choosing hard labor for what you can pick up cheaply in the grocery store, but I get it now. It’s not really a food thing, though that’s a clear bonus. It’s a hope thing.
Working hard creates beautiful results. That’s why we should celebrate. Harvesting produce from your own backyard is fun, too.
“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin
Next year’ll be even better. We’re getting new deck stairs, thanks to Joe and wood rot. He’s building us two new raised beds to go between.

Yay! Backyard projects! More garden beds!
Having something to look forward to, like harvesting and planning next year’s garden, creates a motivating boost to feeling happy. No matter what negative thing might bring us down, a positive endeavor, like gardening, gives us space to think and grow (ha, gardening pun).
What backyard projects bring you joy this season? What’s growing in your garden? Share below!
For more on writing, motivation, and positivity, check out my blog.