25+ Story Writing Prompts: Control Freak

For story writing prompts, start with what your main character wants desperately to control but can’t. We’re all control freaks about something.

Answering this question not only gives your character juicy, perhaps oniony layers, yum, but also pushes your plot forward because knowing the way your character tick-tocks is a huge win in the novel-writing battle.

Don’t know the answer yet? Well, peek inside your inner fathoms. Lately, I’ve been laid up from surgery, so my inner control freak has been screaming bloody murder inside my already-excitable brain because my dear, sweet husband doesn’t do things quite the way I do. The laundry sits in the dryer, getting wrinkled by the second. Sometimes crumbs are left on the kitchen counter. And often, there’s no plan for dinner. Though he’s taking excellent care of me, my control freak side wants to take over. Yikes, help!

Injured Pigeon
Poor Patient Pigeon!

What about a BIGGER control issue?

  • Like a character who uses his or her position to control and manipulate people? Think of anyone in a power position, someone charismatic and devious–cult leaders, con-artists, charmers.
  • Or a spouse who controls and manipulates his or her significant other? A La, Sleeping with the Enemy–an old but excellent example. When I consider a controlling character, I always think of the cans facing the right way in the cabinet and the towels resting evenly on the rack, thanks to this movie.
  • Or a parent who micromanages a child? Helicopter parents help and hurt their kids. Or reverse the idea–how might a child control his parent?
  • Or an elderly parent struggling to remain independent while his children fear for his well-being (another one that hits home for me right now)?

What your character wishes to control but can’t shows his motivation and provides a story direction.

So, things out of our control… The answer is EVERYTHING, but here’s a list to serve as story writing prompts.


  1. Weather. What if your character’s life is detoured thanks to mother nature?
  2. Illness and disease. What if someone’s diagnosis changes your character’s life forever?
  3. Dreams. What happens when your character sleeps?
  4. Basic needs. What must your character do to survive?
  5. Other people–at least not longterm or completely
  6. Anything accidental, even if we’re the ones doing it. Tripping, car accidents, dropping something, forgetting something.
  7. Time. How does your main character manage it?
  8. Your embarrassing cousins, uncles, siblings, or grandparents OR how drunk they might become at a holiday dinner
  9. Death
  10. Malfunctions or defects; even the most reliable things will eventually break. How might a sudden inconvenience deter your character?
  11. Seasons
  12. Your lack of superpowers. If your main character could have one, what would it be?
  13. School/work demands, due dates, scheduled events. How does your character deal with pressure?
  14. Someone else’s perspective
  15. Making mistakes. Everyone makes them. What about your main character?
  16. Scientific truths… and well, any other truths, too. Consider your main character’s belief systems.
  17. Taxes, terrible ideas, traumas, or taco Tuesdays (and why would you?)
  18. Sneezing, blinking, and other bodily functions
  19. Meteors, volcanoes, tidal waves, avalanches, sink holes, climate change or any natural event
  20. How some people are given the title of “celebrity”
  21. Where you were born, the life unto which you were born into, and your parents. Give your character a detailed backstory.
  22. How they’ve been broken in the past
  23. Traffic, damn it.
  24. And, on the same line of thinking, assholes.
  25. Becoming a crime victim
  26. To a certain extentwinning and losing, success and failure. People love to say that failure isn’t an option, but let me tell you something (Preach!) FAILURE IS ALWAYS AN OPTION, even for people who work the hardest and deserve success most. What if your character fails?
  27. Finding love. Sure, you can help it along, but it’s never guaranteed.
  28. THE SYSTEM, to some degree, whether it’s political, governmental, corporate, societal, spiritual, or familial. Of course, many a great story has been about beating THE SYSTEM, whatever it is, but you must first understand the helplessness of being in THE SYSTEM in order to fight against it.
  29. A crisis
  30. That people will read, click on, comment, share, or like your blog…

That’s a pretty good list of story starters. Even the most laid-back character wants control over something. What is it for your character? How does he attempt to control it? What happens when he fails?

P.S. This is a message to all my writer friends with control freak tendencies… Waiting for the perfect time to get your book finished is procrastination in disguise. The only perfect time to write is, well, now.

Now, control this narrative by sharing your ideas below. For more writing help, visit my blog!

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